UPDATE: S-3158 Passes Committee!

BIG NEWS Regarding the Transient Tax! Today,  May 13, 2019 Senate bill S-3158 was PASSED UNANIMOUSLY by the Senate Community & Urban Affairs Committee. This is a BIG first step, but there is still work to do. The bill needs to go through the Assembly committee as...

Call To Action – May 3, 2019

With legislators returning to action after April’s “budget break” it is time for a new ‘call to action’. It is our understanding that the McKeon & Downey Assembly bills (A4520/A4814) and the Andrzejczak & Gopal Senate bills (S3133/S3158) will be combined with...

Update 3/6/2019 March Madness!!

We continue to make progress. Behind the scenes our bill continues to move forward daily, and we have been delaying updating you because each day we are hopeful to have some definitive news to share. It hasn’t materialized yet so here is a quick update to fill you all...

Update 2/20/2019 Town Hall Meeting Cancelled

Due to the impending storm, the Town Hall Meeting tonight at Rowan College has been cancelled. We will update you when/if it is rescheduled as well as other events where you will have the ability to express your concerns to our legislators about the shore tax. A quick...

Update 2-4-2019 Total Sponsors now 27!

As we begin February our legislation has 19 Sponsors in the Assembly and 8 sponsors in the Senate for a total of 27! There are only 120 legislators in the whole state so having 27 sponsors shows overwhelming support for our correction. Your phone calls, emails and...